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Educational Resources

Discover a wealth of educational resources encompassing textbooks, documentaries, videos, and seminars, all shedding light on sustainability issues and solutions.

Textbooks and Study Guides

Explore comprehensive resources offering insights into sustainable practices across various industries.


"Introduction to Sustainability" by Robert Brinkmann and Sandra Garren.

Study Guide

"Sustainable Business: Key Issues" by Helen Kopnina and John Blewitt.


"Fashion and Sustainability: Design for Change" by Kate Fletcher and Lynda Grose

Educational Videos and Documentaries

Engage with insightful videos and documentaries exploring sustainability issues in various industries, including fashion, manufacturing, and environmental conservation.


"Before the Flood" produced by National Geographic.

Link to Official Website

Educational Video

"The Story of Stuff" series available on YouTube.

Link to YouTube Channel

Educational Video

"Fashion's Dirty Secrets" by Stacey Dooley

Interactive Learning Tools and Simulations

Discover interactive tools and simulations providing hands-on experiences to understand sustainability concepts and their real-world applications across different industries.

Interactive Website

"Global Footprint Network" offers a Footprint Calculator.

Link to Website

Educational Video

"The Story of Stuff" series available on YouTube.

Link to YouTube Channel

Simulation Game

Climate Hero is a simulation game where players take on the role of a creative director of a fashion brand, facing various challenges including supply chain management, material selection, and environmental impacts. Players need to make decisions to minimize their brand's carbon footprint and environmental impact.

Link to Climate Hero

Case Studies and Research Papers

Delve into in-depth case studies and research papers offering valuable insights into sustainable practices and their impact across diverse industries, from fashion to manufacturing and beyond.

Case Study

"Interface's Mission Zero".

Link to Interface's Sustainability Page

Research Paper

"The Economics of Climate Change" published by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

Link to IPCC Website

Academic Journal

"Journal of Sustainable Tourism".

Link to Journal Website

Educational Events and Conferences

Engage in educational events and conferences, where industry experts and enthusiasts convene to explore and discuss sustainable practices, innovations, and challenges across various sectors, including fashion, technology, and environmental conservation.


"International Conference on Sustainable Development" hosted by Columbia University.

Link to Conference Website

Webinar Series

"Climate Action Webinars" organized by Climate Action Network.

Link to Climate Action Network Events


Events hosted by the Fashion Revolution.

Link to Fashion Revolution


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